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Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022

December 29, 2021

It is, of course, a few days ahead of the New Year's celebrations. But, feeling a bit reflective this morning.

Not sure how 2021 was for you & your family, but for mine...I'm glad it is nearly in the past. We had health issues (mostly me), job woes, car issues and a wreck (no one hurt) and similar. It seemed, for a few months, that we were constantly on a 'one step forward, and two steps back' theme.

Of course, life does that from time to time. It isn't personal, even may begin to wonder at that!

All cars are operating well. All humans appear to be in the same situation. So, the start of 2022 appears in very good light.

But it has been unseasonably warm. It was 82F on Christmas Day and the past few since Christmas have been far warmer than normal. North Texas does have a 'if it isn't hot, it will be shortly' vibe, but we do generally get 2-3 months of chill to cold. From the wind whipping about outside, maybe it is finally getting here.

I had hoped to introduce my Reed Diffusers prior to the Christmas season. But with some health issues and busy busy with orders, that didn't happen. Look for them in the next month or so. And, a special offer for orders through the site, too.


Wishing you & yours a most amazing 2022.


PS, sharing one of my favorite winter images. Not me or family. But I've always loved those 'walking in the snowy woods' photos. Hope the walker has a nice cup of hot chocolate waiting at the end.